when will it all end ??
this picture shows rugged-lookin me eating at TheCanteen b4 a movie, which BTW, sucked. i hate thier service to the deepest core. food was low average save the fries.

while this pictures shows how successful KK n I's dieting plan is goin -.-

ha ha, we've just had pizza n er, one more time :
ha ha ha ha. im am goin hardcore over restaurant city bloody hell i was so dumb i bought n bought the furnitures till im dead azz broke naw -.-
anyway, i aint goin 2 prom fo sho.
my mom's sick naw so i'm flying back w KK to Bangcock on novemeber 16th when er school's fficially out n over for this sem.
SF aunt called me from BKK jus now, said she's there to accompany mom cuz her health is deteriorating . . . . . ... . . . .
this is the day ive always fearfully dreaded. i aint losing hope cos i aint c no reason why i shuld. i shuld prepare for the best cos i KNOW she will be fine, thats what i've always been feeding myself with every second im breathing to make myslf BELIEVE. aint wna talk abt it. i am such a loser . . . . .
anyway, SF aunt ( who's my MOST fave aunt in the whole wolr cos she's damn skinny. ) finally knocked some sense in2 me. see i've always wanted to take up nursing course cuz i c no truth in getting 20 points for my O. nursing is the highest point n to me, that's the best i can get so ye. i'm simply seekin refuge in that course fo the SAKE of it. but now, i c more light to it than takin it just for the sake of takin it.
my " god-father. " , as lovingly called by SF aunt, but really, now that i've grown up n can c things brigher, i'd love him to be my dad ^^ xcept if i aint wrong, he's already married :o(
he took care of me all the while when i wuz hospitalized for months as a kid back in burma. i was always havin this tummy ache which was due to too much calcium intake, all thanks to at least 2 boxes of cowhead cheese triangle-shaped thingies but no one in burma knew why i was having the bad stomach pain . . we only found out after mom brought me to thailand to check my whole body -.-
so in burma, day by day i sat all alone in the deserted big gloomy room watching the tele and sulking away cuz i was just a spoilt brat back then. BUT NOT NOW AH !!! NOW IM LIKE DAMN MATURE THANKS SO MUCH.
ANW, when i needed to get my jabs done, i'd scream at the top of my lungs n run about so badly crying that 4 male nurses needed to be brought down to calm me down, which basically meant shoving me down the bed and holdin on to my limbs to prevent me from wriggling vigorously away. i refused to take my meds unless my dear mother gave me money. ha ha ha, and i dont just easily accept a few Ks.
i only go by digits higher than 10 thousands.
ha ha ha ha !!!
how wacky aint ? told u i was spoilt n childish o(-..-)o
anyway ! long story short,,,, one day when i was watchin the tele in my room w my mom, this doctor came in n chatted w mom n calmed me down, talkin to me n jokin w me tho at that time all i did was stare at him . . .
days passed by but he never stopped vistng me.
he brot packets and packets of sweet everytime i needed to eat my meds. whenever he heard i was going to be injected, he'd come down w his guitar I KNW SOUNDS LIK SO DRAMA MOMMA but he'd strum and sing to me till i gave in n fell asleep. he'd evn push my wheelchair all around the hospital, bringing me to alleys that led to amazing places i never knew. the temple, the garden et cetera et cetra. again, why wheelchair when i was only having stomach aches ???
well . . i simply wanted it.
i thot it was cool to stop walkin and instead be pushed around lol . . . i think tt's e mo i became lazy :oP
but anw, my point is, aft i got discharged, he was still close to my family, buying toys for me n my bros n even coming to the funeral or whatev u call it. he's a pure burmese but yet he even stepped in2 the chinese side which i think is pretty nice of him but like i said, i hated him. IDK why. i just hated the sights of him. whever he came over to our house, i'd stare mercilessly at him b4 leaving but fast forward, i called him in dec 2008 cuz SF aunt was pestering me to as she said he's been tryin n tryin to contact me for a long time. PS i aint seen him ever since i got here in SG to study which is like close to 9 years.
so then i called him and the first thing he said brought tears to my eyes.
he said :
" daughter how have you been ??
do you remember me ? "
daughter. ha ha ha. i like it :o)
ok ive been goin fucking off topic n u just read a whole chunck or garbage letters. ha ha ha, anyway, this god-dad ( watev. ) of mine is a doctor n SF aunt said i should study nursing to wrk in the hospital wiv him.
i always dont think properly when it comes to studies n i take things way too damn easily it's unhealthy.
anyway point is, once i get back to bangcock, i will accompany momsie to the hopital and eat her self-made meals I SWEAR THEY R TE BEZT !!!! she's a health and hygene freak which is where i got it from :oP
errr. i might not be eating healtily but i know which are the healthy food ok !!! ha ha ha :=P
anyway, SF aunt said aft that we'll be goin to burma wher i will need to help out in her shop. she has this sports shop goin on n she said my daily wage is . . .
SIX THOUSAND . . . . . . . .
, , , , , , KYAT !!!!!
6000K is equivalent to 6 bucks here which i dont know if is ok or wot cos i aint fermiliar w the working industry but hey, i dont need $$$$ ( bullshit bullshit bullshit. ) cuz i'd realllllly love to werk, really. what's more it's dealing with customers.
I LOVE 2 TALK ^^^^
but only to people i decide i like
HA HA HA but i will like em fo sho cuz they're my customores man ! we're de teamz manz.
they bring in da bling blngz i giv em da blah blahz !
ha ha ha. ok lah. cunt wait baby !!!!!
i might even slim down and don myself in sports attire everyday who knws :oD
SF aunt is so big-headed she says her shop is famos w celebrities. HA HA HA ! thats why i love her. she's sarcastic. i wunt be star struck one lor i dont even kno who the burmese celebs r.
speakin of celebs, dear old taylor lautner's with taylor swift now :''''=(
my heart's bruised :o(((
ha ha ha ew. what a sicko i m.
first enrique got engaged w anna.
now, taylor l's wiv taylor s boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
anw i goin alr by-bye. my RC werkers starvin 2 death alr those weaklings really hopless _l_
Please, be with me . . .
plese answer my prayer amen.
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