My good friend once told me :
" Once bitten, Twice shy. Twice bitten, GO AND DIE ! "
If this is the way you want it to be, then guess what ?
I'm fine with it. Just make sure we don't ever contact again.
Good Bye.
May you flourish your friendship with her.
PS, I aint holding no grudges. I'm just admitting defeat.
Peace out.
im still stuck here, is there any medical clinics near orchard or novena ??? i've searched it online but i cant find it !!!! ?_?
PS : i'm lovin my hair baby !!!!!!
ha ha ha, this time it's for real. well . . . so long as there is the curlin iron :oP
ok i gotta go i guess. i'm shopping alone today cos my friends cant make it last minit but o well . . . . im afraid of answering Private Number calls cos mom has been callin me since mornin to ask if i've visited the doc's :oP
so i gotta go. i cant go on this way aye !
PS LOOK @ KK N HER MOM !!!!!!!!!

ha ha ha her mom's freakin gawjuz if only i could look like her when i'm old too *__*
PS, i'm callin u in 10, KK ! sry i culdnt reply u last night cos i was asleep.
missing you much ! :o)
PS did u straighten yr hair !!!? looks younger now my dear ! :oD
in the end farah culdnt make it last minit so i left myself. i didnt kno where on earth the clinic was in this area so i took a cab all the way back to toh yi's dr chong. mom called n told me to take a cab cos she said im sick n i shuldnt walk. she told me to stay warm so tts the new cardi that im wearin in e pic !!! cost me 50$ -..- but tt was the only one i culd find tts pretty n useful so ye . .
dr chong's was closed so the kind driver U turned back to this clinic called silver cross. my first time there. n the doc is young. ha ha ha. i sick until memry fail. i 4got my queue number the mo i sat down. n i even forgot my bag of popular stuff at the cardigan shop !!! i was queueing 4 a cab when i noticed my hands felt empty. ANW !! ttz all. i cant RMB wat happened tt day. c. the bad thing about late updates -..-
aft shoppin alone n back from e doc's.
bought a watermelon home.
next time cannot be chef. donno aim centre ended up like this -..-
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