i just got up. wa lau, damn s2pid. i slept at 11.30pm cos mom said i need 2 rest in order to recover. but guess wot !!!!
i got awoken by nature's call @ 1.30am _l_
momsie was tellin me to drink plenty of water so i drank one big bottle ( 1500ml ) and i've been visiting the toilet since -..-
i was tryin my best to fall back asleep but guess it aint werkin by e look ofit !!
mom was in the hospital gettin her jab when i called. she said tt if i dont like the prom dress tt was chosen by JX aunt n the staffs, i shuld go back n get the one i like. which obviously i aint doin. i may be a spendthrift but i aint thaaaat bad ;o)
i still have some sense in me no worries.
i think my influenza is subsiding. the throat still hurts of coz but there's less blocked nose compared 2 yst. only cough and phlegm. mom was angry at me ha ha ha. she said i shuld have woken up early 2day to visit the doc's n the mo she heard my flu voice, she 4got all about prom n started gushin on n on about drinkin plenty of warm water n havin plenty of rests. she hung up the fone, tellin me to rest early. 1 minit later, she called back n aske i i was havin a fever. ha ha. she's fierce when it comes to health problems n i never fail to listen cos she's usually momly but once my bros n i r sick, she'll get so worried she'll use her angry tone n ask why we didnt take our meds. i guess she has to be this way cos imagain yr kids living so far away alone n they have 2 deal w their illness n torture all by themselves . .
i still rmb the other time when i was in BKK out in the lan shop.
i was still updatin my blog but thawat was already in the shop fetchin us home cuz lunch was ready. i rlly h8 to be interrupted whn i m doin smth so i refused to go home. jas left w him and 30 min later, they came back to ask me go home cos mom said i still needed 2 take my meds but i only left after 1 hr. i just wanted to show em tt i was pissed.
when i got home, she said i was crazy n why culdnt i come home first to take my meds n lunch b4 goin out 2 play again ? no, she didnt say it nicely. she scolded me :oP
n that is the one day i will never live down cos i did someth i shuldnt n i will regret 4 eternity. even mom was shocked when she saw my expression . . . i was so hurt at my own behaviour i didnt even have the face to c her and only wallowed in sorrow n tears in my bedroom. every time i think of it, it embarrasses me n if theres one thing i wish to 4get,
it's that.
ANW i dont kno how i even got here . . . . i was talkin about my sickness just now :oP
so yep yep tts all 4 now. i want go sleep again if not i will regret.
pls dont let the worst befall on me. i refuse to admit to the facts. i want her to get well. i want to be there to take her to the hospital, not anyone else. it fuckin pains me to know she's in this fucking condition but get this, sickness. u fuckin leave my mom or i swear yr generations will nvr live it down _l_
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
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