my misery, damn luckily, is short lived.
im startin 2 like my hair :o)
u kno wot they say . . . if u dont feel gd about yrself, others wont feel gd about u :o)
so ye !!!
i just got back from orchard w aunt. ive got my prom stuff minus e accessories. but i aint thaaat happy cos it's not what i like. it isn't empire cut for one. it's plain and puffy so ye . . but no biggie i guess. at least ive got one thing scratched off my list. one less thing to fret over.
i've been shoppin non stop. ha ha, i was alone shoppin just now and i met this cutie !!!! ha ha ha, basically this is the highlight of my day :oP
i was yawning away while prom-shopping cuz it's not what i have in mind anyway. it's oldish. so when i got back at novena, i went over to united square and the first shop tt caught my eyes was cotton on kids. so i went in but sadly i didnt kno how to c if the clothes fit or not so i only decided to buy some accessories to be on the safe side. i aint got no herd of cousins.
i only have 2.
i dont kno how old they r . . 10ish i think . .
i got the mary jane but was doubtful of the size so i went over to this assistant who was foldin clothes, with the back facing me. i thot the assistant was a tom-boy cos his hair isnt'cropped short or long-long.
so i " hi, can this be fitted by a 10 yr old ?? ""
the assistant turned n whooooo-whoah. CUTE !!!!!!
ha ha, but some tom-boys look really gd as well so my eyes travelled down to his boobs n thankkkkk heavens, he is a he. ha ha ha. he's really cute ! i kno i say i dont like guys with long hair but he looks really cute in tt hair style. and he's funny too !!!
he was like 10 ah ?? how old ?? ha ha, this is the biggest size alr. are u sure she's 10 ?? cos i was i dont kno, i think she's 10 or 12 and stuff but anyway. he's cute in the friend way. he isnt those boyfriend material cos he's those bubble cheeky type. not the matured type. i'd so love to be friends w him cos just talkin 2 him, i can smile until i got cheeks-ache alr -.-
he said i culd go back to change the size if they dont fit so perhaps . ..
ha ha ha, no lah. i aint a stalker. if dont fit then i just give other kids lor no biggie. if too big then i just stuff tissue papers inside lor no biggie :oP
ok i m makin it short cos i want to sleep early. it's 8.27pm now. i still have to remove make up and bathe. i dont want to sleep l8 alr. it's drivin me insane. it's like im not functioning well or somethin n i keep yawning which some people might take as an offence to hint that they're boring so ye.
ha ha JX aunt n i were talkin about the marriage and stuff over coffee, she said i shuld open my eyes big big when lookin 4 a boyfriend cos looks dont last 4eva n if he's a lazy bum, 4get it.
i only have ang-mors and indians in mind. i dont like singaporean guys. but there's this guy tt i quite like xcpet he's madly in love w his gf of 6 months so ye no biggie. i aint a bitch thank you.
i like indians i donno why. they're gentlemanly i guess. not so rough and stuff.
i want to marry a saudi arabian cos they're filthy rich !!!!!!!!
ha ha ha ha but i cant live w it cos they're gonna have like 2004 wives -.-
well we'll c. i go bathe first. 2mr goin orchard again so i need 2 rest.
last day shoppin alr. tues i flyin of alr whoooooo weeeeee ~!
im left w 400ish in bank fuckit. n i didnt pay for prom stuff w my own $$$$$. JX aunt paid for me :o)
xmas !!!!!
while walkin home.
what i got 2day.
and 4 e kidz !!!!
the flats is a lil like mine hor !!! except mine is from UCB ( untied colors of benetton. ) while hers is from COK ( cotton on kidz. ) ha ha ha. cant w8 2 dress em up !!! ^^^^
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