YOZZAH !!!!!!!!!!
today was darn hell tiring !!!!!!!
ok i aint complaining. judge for urself !
i slept at 5am last night cuz i was BZ blogging ( this really takes up A LOT. of my time.. ) and i ended up draggin myslef outta e bed by 8.30am cuz i had 2 bring jase 2 get his thai visa done. it closes at 11.30am :O
,,,,,,thank goodness it was smooth as silk ~ ha ha ha !!!
jase went off on his own to walk around orchard whereas i on the other hand, had to take the tube home sadly cuz i needed to get these kinder joys ( not kinder me. u know that kinder joy chocolates ?? the one with the 3 in 1 or 2 in 1 or joy in joy or something. the advert. ) for KK's siblings. bloody hell !!! i searched high n lo fo em bloody eggs but they simply refused to show up !!!! in the end i was shopping lane by lane in cold storage at 10am -..-
so ANW.
i then went to get my acne creams instead. i must have been there squatting w my undies on display for half an hour reading thru the effects lo !!! there were so many options !!!!
im indecisive thats one thing annoying abt me :oS
so ANW, long grandmapa story short, i found em bloody eggs in the end.
guess where of all places did they had the chocy eggy cheeks to appear ??????
so i dont kno if i am blind or i am blind,,,
i left with 36 kinder joy eggs -..-
KK's siblings love em so much IDK y.. they said there isnt any stock in thailand..
ANW. after my lil grocery shopping, got ready and we only managed 2 leave the house at 11.30am.
KK was so worried she'd miss the flight and yes, she almost did -..-
her flight was scheduled at 13.30 but she only went in at like 13.10 ???????? HA HA HA !!!!
she was rushin outta the house she totally forgot her precious student card ONLY until we were checkin in did we realize her SP was missin.
i had to go back and get that lil stubborn card and get back to the air pot again lol,,
ANW, it was absolutely rush hour 5.
today WAS rush hour come 2 think of it.
ANW, im really sleepy now ima gna take a short nap ( which is lik 15 hours. ) HA HA HA !!!!!! SO BYE !!!!!!!
KK n i.
they have 3 kinds of smiley detector. really cool cuz people have differnt smiles i guess :oP
will show u it some other time.
a greatly imprved macro function.
T7's really good !!!!!
to those who're lookin for new cameras to replace old ones or u juz lay on the same F8 as me for being careless, i STRONGLY recommend this !!!!
there're lots of new functions in T7 compared to T5 ( the previous one i used. yes i missed out a season zzz -..- )
- the touch-calibration is much more sensitive.
- you don't have to keep clickin to view more pictures or functions cuz there's the newly introduced swipe version. like iphone's photo gallery.
- the lens seems to be wider ( s u can see from my pictures. ) so it's really good for self portratis cuz u dont have to stretch ur hands far out like u used to. the camera can be place 3\4 arms away from ur face.
- they have intelligent and programme auto mode for cammo dummies like urs truly sittin here typing.
- it feels a hell lot lighter. ( i cant be sure abt this yet tho cuz KK said it's bcuz ive been using her big ass cams so my digi cam'll def feel lighter. )
- the design is much more sleek. it's not a thick ass cube like it was. it's light and slimmer. like me. HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!
basically, it's an improved version all right, but one that im satisfied with :o)
and needless 2 mention there is the abosolute panorama-swipe darling ;o)
cant W8 2 get down 2 da beach !!!!!!!!!!!!

n look @ this absolute gem !!!!!!!!!!!
( ok. truth be told, when i first saw it i was all mono but then i saw the taxi driver lookin at it so longingly i busy-bodiedly went to take a pic of it. neh~neh~nee~poo~poo. i got camera !! HA HA HA !!!!! kid. )

i got the smexy back ~
heres vain me tryin on the new sports tees ^^ and of cuz, a lil time w the Hair Game ;o)
i was majorly fretting over sports tees or girly tops but i settled 4 the tees ANW cuz these days my dressings have gone really basic.
skirts and tees are all the essentials in my wardrobe. that's the plain joys mi ~ :o)
eh, not these days. should be about 1 year come 2 think of it :O
i totally lost the lusts of dolling up after sec 2. sec 3 was still all right but thru the mid term i started gettin really boring :o%
so if u c me with dresses or what have u, that's when im feelin really happy and 100% diligent. LOL >.<''
short hair !!!!!! i only had 1 bobby pin so i couldn't do a proper one :o( it was damn pathetic i had to use my paper clips -..- _l_

endin off w a pic i like ~
i'll take a better shot of the changi signature when i go to the airpot this fri i promise..
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