Life as I once recognized is all tumbling downhill.
Strangers who hurt you don't succeed because what truly hurt are when the ones you know who shamelessly throw the feat of betrayal right at your face. Someone you've picked up from the streets, natured, given shelters, grown to love him as a part of family, and magically transformed him into a man he is today. But yet, what do you get for your gracious deeds ???
Once doesn't fill him. He has to do it twice.
Once we've suffered.. and now we have to embrace ourselves for another blow.
The hurt inflicted in his first attempt is only beginning to heal slowly when he delivers his fucking second attempt.
A dog who doesn't recognize his owner. That's what he is.
_l_ Faggot.
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Swim a little swimm ~...
ok ! B4 anyone of u lil nasty bastards go thinkin that joys han doesnt practice what she preaches,,,, yoolahhh ~!!!!!!
I WENT 4 A SWIM !!!!!!!!!
believe it or not, but i woke up at 6am ( after bring dragged i repeat, by jase the stupid hyper thingamajig. ) and i actually slept at 3am e previous night cuz i was BZ watching chris evan's movies -..-
but ANW !!! i didnt wanna disappoint my promises so i dragged my 1000 ton body outta the bed and the rush was so bad
i actually forgot my make up kits -..-
i actually forgot my make up kits -..-
so in this ugly entry, u will be witnessing an even uglier me. chiao. lunch awaits me !
karma bites. look at jase !!!!! ha !!! drag me outta bed somemore !!!!!! he couldnt even lift his tiny ounce of energy to swim in the end LOL !!!!!
en route ! my face was too ugly i had to seek help from the geeky specs.

so did thawat. LOL !!!!! see. i possess a weapon so powerful people of all nations seek my help -..-
wee weeed ~!!! he didnt even dare take off his clothes in fear of being caught in cam LOL -..-
- for chris evans. for chris evans. for chris evans. - i was practically chantin this 2 myself e whole time 2 motivate me 2 swim LOL !!!!!
sigh....................... look what love does to silly girls..
wiew ~!!!! hercules with small nipples and str8 pits HA HA HA !!!!!
complain complain complain.. of the cold. i personally LUV cold. i H8 warm weathers.
taken by jase the noob ^. LOOK AT ME ! IM PRACTICALLY A HORSE !!!! _l_
my " artsy. " shot of the drops of water and uhm.. a lil of his arm pit hairs HA HA HA !!!!!!
my pitiful toes.. thanks to the stupid new shoes _l_
didnt have the time to blow dry my hair either.. -..- slow pokes or slow pokes..
honestly speaking, the swim wasnt one of the reasons i dragged myself outta bed. the reason was,
THE BREAKFAST !!!!!!!!!!
( YUMMY ~!!!!!!!!!! )
somethin's wrong w my cam i think. look at the lousy colors. i look like a sick kid >:o(
my cuppa strong black to keep me thru . . .. . . the breakfast.
LOL !!!!
after breakfast, 老娘 still want satisfied so i went to the deli's to get some croissants LOL !! dont laugh !!!! ^^
en route home !!!!!!
look at my " snake bite. " _l_
THANKS TO THE STUPID EGGS !!!!!! who knew the oil would " burst. " so bad -..-
us singing in the car LOL -..-
and here's me home w grans n AYM !!!!!!!!
humid weathers call for a fruit fest. durians !! are all mine mwa ha ha ha ah !!!!!!!! what can u do w pregnant girls -..- _l_
ending w a pic of me in the car. i didnt have the tme to pluck my pits so there goes a butterfly HA ! HA !!
Friday, June 11, 2010

ha ha ha holy macaroons !!! i just noticed i only took 2 picts of the couples :oP !!
okay so while i was havin lunch \ breakfast this noon, thawat gayly announced that the wedding was later in the evening and instead of being gay myself, i was so pissed a volcano erupted within me -..-
cuz i already told em to tell me beforehand ( about 1 week in adv in fact !! ) so that i'd have the time to lessen my intake of junks and at least allow my body frame to feel " loose. " to squeeze in2 the dress if not lose a few pounds grrr.. ANW ! pointless ranting. past is the past aint ? lemme just upload the pics. my hopes of meeting a prince charming was greatly crashed flat after the eye candy turned out to be mr emo kid -..- and ANW, searching for a prince here in BKK is like searchin for a tiny drip of water in e sahara -..- half the guys here are gays which leaves the other half married \ married but still gay \ 50% gay \ bi \ what have u...
ANW, this wedding isnt anything close to fairy tales.. there werent jaw-droppingly romantic scenes where id play over and over my head.. all that were to it were eat and eat and eat and more eating. -..-
tho i must say the bride does look happy and the groom kinda loves her :o)
which makes me wonder.. ( right when we were toasting none the less -..- )
i dont want such a big wedding. i dont even know half the people !! and i dont want the wedding to be like a meeting where everything has to go systematically.
i just want laughters all the way ^^ maybe 50 people is enuf ?? hmm,, maybe i might narrow it down to 30 close buds. but right now my close buds sum up to only 2 LOL !!!!! previously i used to have 6 but i've kissed em good bye so yep !!!! ANW remind me again why im even here !???
so oki doki. i shant type on. im sleepy alr :O
goin to the weddin felt like prom again.. only a lil less hyped.
this time round tho i left my hair to the salon while i did my own make ups.. and boy was it a mistake. the lousy salon gave me a hair so bad i've lovingly named it " corkscrew hair. "-..-
i couldnt decide what styles i wanted so to play it safe i just told em to gimme wavy \ loose curls and boy,, the professional curls were so " profeesional. " they looked exactly like instant noodles. i had to gather all " talents. " i had to make it look presentable LOL :oD ahem ahem ~ ^^ talents ~ LOL
heres me w the god forbid hair.. and without make up :oP dont laugh..
jase n i while i was waitin for my hair to loosen its curls..
mr jase's new hair !!! nothin gasping. he only made the shave more obvious..

and here's burmese corkscrews for ye !

pls, convince me my hair doesnt look like an experiment gone wrong -..- _l_
us and our dear grans w WC hence the shaky pixel-ed lousy pousy mousy pics !
was goin back and forth on if i should wear the head band to match my experiment-gone-wrong-and-poofy-and-messy hair..
joys and grans ~

mr jase. grans gives her shot at photographin ^^
close up..
mr jase yo !

in the end i went w matured.. so off w the head band.. on e phone w johns.

mr jase. if u like whats on jase, a standing ovation for urs truly - JOYS HAN !!!!!!!! im practically his personal stylst i tell u !!!!!!! he consults me in EVERY THING. hair, clothes, skin cares, food, BGR tips ( not tt im experienced HA HA HA. ) what he should say \ type, if he should call someone to say hi and what not..

the couple !! IDK em personally but the groom once used to work for daddy when bro and i were still sperms and egg LOL :oD

im practically a giant beside the cute bride !!!! shy... :oD jase said the pict looks like he n i were a couple, the bride and the grroom were a couple and the groom also had a BF which happens to be thawat LOL..

talk talk talk..
not that i like this car but im tryin to make it a habit to take sexy looking cars when i walk pass em..

the couples lookin happy !!!!! m i a good photographer or m i a good photographer -..-

my current FB default..
we look really awkward cuz the couples were waitin for us to get this pic taken lol !!!! im shy oh noooo !!!! ANW what do i call em really ?? newly weds ??? i keep coupling em it doesnt sound romantic -..-

and an abrupt end to the wedding.

me and the stalk of rose ;o)




this pair of drops have a tale to tell. i've always wanted to wear it while i was in SG but i couldnt find her sister. it was always ALONE. i dont kno where the other one was so i couldnt ever wear it. same goes for thailand. while im here, i see it and i thot it's the one i brought from SG so i couldnt wear it cuz it only has one side but o boy ~ i found out today that one side is in SG while the other side is in BKK -..- genius or what.. now they finally reunite cuz all my stuff from SG are back here LOL -..-
the end !
- my swimmin entry is still on the way. im really these days to bother about the pictures :oP -
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