ok ! B4 anyone of u lil nasty bastards go thinkin that joys han doesnt practice what she preaches,,,, yoolahhh ~!!!!!!
I WENT 4 A SWIM !!!!!!!!!
believe it or not, but i woke up at 6am ( after bring dragged i repeat, by jase the stupid hyper thingamajig. ) and i actually slept at 3am e previous night cuz i was BZ watching chris evan's movies -..-
but ANW !!! i didnt wanna disappoint my promises so i dragged my 1000 ton body outta the bed and the rush was so bad
i actually forgot my make up kits -..-
i actually forgot my make up kits -..-
so in this ugly entry, u will be witnessing an even uglier me. chiao. lunch awaits me !
karma bites. look at jase !!!!! ha !!! drag me outta bed somemore !!!!!! he couldnt even lift his tiny ounce of energy to swim in the end LOL !!!!!
en route ! my face was too ugly i had to seek help from the geeky specs.

so did thawat. LOL !!!!! see. i possess a weapon so powerful people of all nations seek my help -..-
wee weeed ~!!! he didnt even dare take off his clothes in fear of being caught in cam LOL -..-
- for chris evans. for chris evans. for chris evans. - i was practically chantin this 2 myself e whole time 2 motivate me 2 swim LOL !!!!!
sigh....................... look what love does to silly girls..
wiew ~!!!! hercules with small nipples and str8 pits HA HA HA !!!!!
complain complain complain.. of the cold. i personally LUV cold. i H8 warm weathers.
taken by jase the noob ^. LOOK AT ME ! IM PRACTICALLY A HORSE !!!! _l_
my " artsy. " shot of the drops of water and uhm.. a lil of his arm pit hairs HA HA HA !!!!!!
my pitiful toes.. thanks to the stupid new shoes _l_
didnt have the time to blow dry my hair either.. -..- slow pokes or slow pokes..
honestly speaking, the swim wasnt one of the reasons i dragged myself outta bed. the reason was,
THE BREAKFAST !!!!!!!!!!
( YUMMY ~!!!!!!!!!! )
somethin's wrong w my cam i think. look at the lousy colors. i look like a sick kid >:o(
my cuppa strong black to keep me thru . . .. . . the breakfast.
LOL !!!!
after breakfast, 老娘 still want satisfied so i went to the deli's to get some croissants LOL !! dont laugh !!!! ^^
en route home !!!!!!
look at my " snake bite. " _l_
THANKS TO THE STUPID EGGS !!!!!! who knew the oil would " burst. " so bad -..-
us singing in the car LOL -..-
and here's me home w grans n AYM !!!!!!!!
humid weathers call for a fruit fest. durians !! are all mine mwa ha ha ha ah !!!!!!!! what can u do w pregnant girls -..- _l_
ending w a pic of me in the car. i didnt have the tme to pluck my pits so there goes a butterfly HA ! HA !!
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