ha ha ha holy macaroons !!! i just noticed i only took 2 picts of the couples :oP !!
okay so while i was havin lunch \ breakfast this noon, thawat gayly announced that the wedding was later in the evening and instead of being gay myself, i was so pissed a volcano erupted within me -..-
cuz i already told em to tell me beforehand ( about 1 week in adv in fact !! ) so that i'd have the time to lessen my intake of junks and at least allow my body frame to feel " loose. " to squeeze in2 the dress if not lose a few pounds grrr.. ANW ! pointless ranting. past is the past aint ? lemme just upload the pics. my hopes of meeting a prince charming was greatly crashed flat after the eye candy turned out to be mr emo kid -..- and ANW, searching for a prince here in BKK is like searchin for a tiny drip of water in e sahara -..- half the guys here are gays which leaves the other half married \ married but still gay \ 50% gay \ bi \ what have u...
ANW, this wedding isnt anything close to fairy tales.. there werent jaw-droppingly romantic scenes where id play over and over my head.. all that were to it were eat and eat and eat and more eating. -..-
tho i must say the bride does look happy and the groom kinda loves her :o)
which makes me wonder.. ( right when we were toasting none the less -..- )
i dont want such a big wedding. i dont even know half the people !! and i dont want the wedding to be like a meeting where everything has to go systematically.
i just want laughters all the way ^^ maybe 50 people is enuf ?? hmm,, maybe i might narrow it down to 30 close buds. but right now my close buds sum up to only 2 LOL !!!!! previously i used to have 6 but i've kissed em good bye so yep !!!! ANW remind me again why im even here !???
so oki doki. i shant type on. im sleepy alr :O
goin to the weddin felt like prom again.. only a lil less hyped.
this time round tho i left my hair to the salon while i did my own make ups.. and boy was it a mistake. the lousy salon gave me a hair so bad i've lovingly named it " corkscrew hair. "-..-
i couldnt decide what styles i wanted so to play it safe i just told em to gimme wavy \ loose curls and boy,, the professional curls were so " profeesional. " they looked exactly like instant noodles. i had to gather all " talents. " i had to make it look presentable LOL :oD ahem ahem ~ ^^ talents ~ LOL
heres me w the god forbid hair.. and without make up :oP dont laugh..
jase n i while i was waitin for my hair to loosen its curls..
mr jase's new hair !!! nothin gasping. he only made the shave more obvious..

and here's burmese corkscrews for ye !

pls, convince me my hair doesnt look like an experiment gone wrong -..- _l_
us and our dear grans w WC hence the shaky pixel-ed lousy pousy mousy pics !
was goin back and forth on if i should wear the head band to match my experiment-gone-wrong-and-poofy-and-messy hair..
joys and grans ~

mr jase. grans gives her shot at photographin ^^
close up..
mr jase yo !

in the end i went w matured.. so off w the head band.. on e phone w johns.

mr jase. if u like whats on jase, a standing ovation for urs truly - JOYS HAN !!!!!!!! im practically his personal stylst i tell u !!!!!!! he consults me in EVERY THING. hair, clothes, skin cares, food, BGR tips ( not tt im experienced HA HA HA. ) what he should say \ type, if he should call someone to say hi and what not..

the couple !! IDK em personally but the groom once used to work for daddy when bro and i were still sperms and egg LOL :oD

im practically a giant beside the cute bride !!!! shy... :oD jase said the pict looks like he n i were a couple, the bride and the grroom were a couple and the groom also had a BF which happens to be thawat LOL..

talk talk talk..
not that i like this car but im tryin to make it a habit to take sexy looking cars when i walk pass em..

the couples lookin happy !!!!! m i a good photographer or m i a good photographer -..-

my current FB default..
we look really awkward cuz the couples were waitin for us to get this pic taken lol !!!! im shy oh noooo !!!! ANW what do i call em really ?? newly weds ??? i keep coupling em it doesnt sound romantic -..-

and an abrupt end to the wedding.

me and the stalk of rose ;o)




this pair of drops have a tale to tell. i've always wanted to wear it while i was in SG but i couldnt find her sister. it was always ALONE. i dont kno where the other one was so i couldnt ever wear it. same goes for thailand. while im here, i see it and i thot it's the one i brought from SG so i couldnt wear it cuz it only has one side but o boy ~ i found out today that one side is in SG while the other side is in BKK -..- genius or what.. now they finally reunite cuz all my stuff from SG are back here LOL -..-
the end !
- my swimmin entry is still on the way. im really these days to bother about the pictures :oP -
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