ok. time aint on ma side. i just got back from xi men ( again. ) and i have to go edit my pictures within uhm, 30 minits ????
so. BYE. UPD8 later. i went to xi men din ( 西門町. ) last night after french class and spent like nobody's biznez. i kinda regret it cuz when i was walkin around just now i spotted so many more stores that sell so much more prettier clothes :'o( i have to save up again :'o( uncle gave me 1K about 4 days ago and i finished it flat last night so im keepin my mouth shut about my situation or else he's gna be flabbergasted again.. he alr gave me anther 10K when grace was here in TP, which was abt 1 week ago.... sigh. life without $$$ just SUCKS.
end of story.
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
hello !
it's been almighty ages since i last touched blogger :O !
so here i am w a quick UPD8 !
i did my hair, but sadly this time it sux so bad wakin up early in the mornin n knowin i have a bad hair day ( and will, for the rest of my life. ) SUCKS.
it's such a dread ! i cant tie\bun it up either cuz it just looks odd !
like a hive for the bees, the flies the maggots the worms and the eew !
hopefully the perms will come loose soon. i've been washin my hair daily in hope of achieving something less poodly.. sigh...
ANW ! today's driving lesson was suckass !!!!!!!!!1111!!!!
i can manage R (reverse. ) and D ( IDK what it stands for but i call it Distance. LOL !!!! noob. if not it should be drive ????? i have absolutely no idea cuz they teach in chinese =..= )
so today, i was managing fine ( reversing and driving forward in L shape. ) until the instructor left the car and told me to practice on my own for a while ( cuz if i dont manage that, i wouldnt get to drive out into the park. ) so i was doin ok until all of a sudden, a bad turn resulted in everything ging haywire. and i went off tracks. for 30 minitues. it was fuckin embarrassing !!!!!!! there were approx 5 cars in my area,, which goes to say, once i clogged uo the space, pretty much all the others get dragged in as well :'o( dang. im motified, really. so i was losing hope when finally, someone's instructor came to me and helped me get back into the track. i suck at directions. when instructor said left, i went right. i keep gettin confused with 左 ( L. ) 右 ( R. ) and there was once i told the taxi driver " 轉左. " and he said " 是轉右!轉左我們就裝牆啦! "
t he he he ! emergency brake for the instructor ( ME !!!!! MWA HA HA HA HA~ )
the rearview mirror ( if it's what it's called ?_? ) always gets me confused no doubt..
ANW. im tired. im drained. im super exhausted. so im uploadin a few pics ( quite long ago actually. the night i did my hair. hmm, monday ?? )
this is how stiff my hair is =..=
a fifth of my hair is straightened as u can c -..- on the line with momsie<3
yesterday in class ;
MON BREAKFAST !!! this is bloody yummy ~!
today :
this is currently my fave BF.. consists of soy milk, egg and toasted\roasted pita bread + lettuce + raisins + tomatoes + IDK what the rest of them ingredients r called =.=
GOOD NIGHT !!!!! droping dead tired :'o(
it's been almighty ages since i last touched blogger :O !
so here i am w a quick UPD8 !
i did my hair, but sadly this time it sux so bad wakin up early in the mornin n knowin i have a bad hair day ( and will, for the rest of my life. ) SUCKS.
it's such a dread ! i cant tie\bun it up either cuz it just looks odd !
like a hive for the bees, the flies the maggots the worms and the eew !
hopefully the perms will come loose soon. i've been washin my hair daily in hope of achieving something less poodly.. sigh...
ANW ! today's driving lesson was suckass !!!!!!!!!1111!!!!
i can manage R (reverse. ) and D ( IDK what it stands for but i call it Distance. LOL !!!! noob. if not it should be drive ????? i have absolutely no idea cuz they teach in chinese =..= )
so today, i was managing fine ( reversing and driving forward in L shape. ) until the instructor left the car and told me to practice on my own for a while ( cuz if i dont manage that, i wouldnt get to drive out into the park. ) so i was doin ok until all of a sudden, a bad turn resulted in everything ging haywire. and i went off tracks. for 30 minitues. it was fuckin embarrassing !!!!!!! there were approx 5 cars in my area,, which goes to say, once i clogged uo the space, pretty much all the others get dragged in as well :'o( dang. im motified, really. so i was losing hope when finally, someone's instructor came to me and helped me get back into the track. i suck at directions. when instructor said left, i went right. i keep gettin confused with 左 ( L. ) 右 ( R. ) and there was once i told the taxi driver " 轉左. " and he said " 是轉右!轉左我們就裝牆啦! "
t he he he ! emergency brake for the instructor ( ME !!!!! MWA HA HA HA HA~ )
the rearview mirror ( if it's what it's called ?_? ) always gets me confused no doubt..
ANW. im tired. im drained. im super exhausted. so im uploadin a few pics ( quite long ago actually. the night i did my hair. hmm, monday ?? )
this is how stiff my hair is =..=
( ignore e last button. bloody hell obnoxious =.= )
right eye is bigger than left cuz my falsies to the left dropped @.@
yesterday in class ;
MON BREAKFAST !!! this is bloody yummy ~!
today :
the hair looks bloody hell messy right !???? but guess what it was at its bad !!! so now u know pretty well how much of a freak show my hair is now >(
w an addition of an egg :Pthis is currently my fave BF.. consists of soy milk, egg and toasted\roasted pita bread + lettuce + raisins + tomatoes + IDK what the rest of them ingredients r called =.=
GOOD NIGHT !!!!! droping dead tired :'o(
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
( almost. ) new hair !
HARLOW !!!!!! omigood im fighting the extreme urge to shit for this entry :oS
..... so.
wat did i want to say ??????
oyes !!!!! im dying my hair now ! i'm goin...... ahem........
it's my first time using this brand so IDK how the color's gna turn out... but since it's a japanese brand i figure the color's gna be jappoish.. bright n wat not so why not risk the chance of tryin !??
after-all my hair is goin on a roller coaster ride now :oP
if u like my hair, lemme introduce u to my stylist. she's an internationally known hair artist from myanmar no less ! during her free time she likes cutting her own hair.. a snip here a snip there..
she's none other than...............
ok ok. no more jokes.
ok. u might have known i v much detested the idea of driving in the past :oP i v much preferred being driven by a tall muscular man.. where all i have to do is lean back and enjoy the ride but for now, my lean-back-and-enjoy theory has all gone down the drain. bleh.... :X
mostly cuz my uncle said tt at least if i knew how to drive, momsie wouldnt have to wait for the driver in myanmar to comeback from wherever he was to drive her out. long story short, IM NOW THE DRIVER !!!! not the girl relaxing and cam-whoring at the back !!!! :O
so yeh. come to think of it if i know how to drive, it'd save A LOT of troubles !!!!
i dont ever have to walk to 7-11 !!!! or i dont ever have to be squeezed in the tubes !!!! i dont ever have to spend time waiting relentlessly for a bloody bus !!!! ha ha ha ha !!! ok ima talkin as if im buying a car ahhh but u get e drift ;o)
and and and ! i now know how to ride the motorbike !!!! well, a teensy bit :oP
im a newbie but guess wat yo ! i learnt it by MYSELF mua ha ha ha !!!!!
im such an einstein :o)
oki doki. so so so. hmmmmm,,,, lets c.
i just got back from a v cool trip. we went to this area where all artsy people lived. i met a musician from mexico and we had coffee :o) u know wat i feel so much like a translator !!!!!!!!! i should probly consider takin up this job. i now know one tiny spanish. it's " hola ! "
pronounced without the h. so ... ola ~!
he said mexicans speak spanish and also portuguese. portuguese is a little like spanish so im considering takin that up as well.. afterall learning languages is so much fun !!!! it's better thank sittin there killing my brain cells over digits and signs !!!!!!! ugh.
today i was L8 for class. i arrived an hr late and only studied for a mere 45 minutes B4 class ended zzz -..-
the surprising this is, i didnt even hear all THR33 of my alarms ring -..-
i was havin a dream about myanmar -..-
oki. i gotsa go. pics up later. ciao ~!
..... so.
wat did i want to say ??????
oyes !!!!! im dying my hair now ! i'm goin...... ahem........
JEWELRY ASH ~!!!!!!!!!
it's my first time using this brand so IDK how the color's gna turn out... but since it's a japanese brand i figure the color's gna be jappoish.. bright n wat not so why not risk the chance of tryin !??
after-all my hair is goin on a roller coaster ride now :oP
if u like my hair, lemme introduce u to my stylist. she's an internationally known hair artist from myanmar no less ! during her free time she likes cutting her own hair.. a snip here a snip there..
she's none other than...............
ME MYSELF !!!!!!!!!!!!
ok ok. no more jokes.
ok. u might have known i v much detested the idea of driving in the past :oP i v much preferred being driven by a tall muscular man.. where all i have to do is lean back and enjoy the ride but for now, my lean-back-and-enjoy theory has all gone down the drain. bleh.... :X
mostly cuz my uncle said tt at least if i knew how to drive, momsie wouldnt have to wait for the driver in myanmar to comeback from wherever he was to drive her out. long story short, IM NOW THE DRIVER !!!! not the girl relaxing and cam-whoring at the back !!!! :O
so yeh. come to think of it if i know how to drive, it'd save A LOT of troubles !!!!
i dont ever have to walk to 7-11 !!!! or i dont ever have to be squeezed in the tubes !!!! i dont ever have to spend time waiting relentlessly for a bloody bus !!!! ha ha ha ha !!! ok ima talkin as if im buying a car ahhh but u get e drift ;o)
and and and ! i now know how to ride the motorbike !!!! well, a teensy bit :oP
im a newbie but guess wat yo ! i learnt it by MYSELF mua ha ha ha !!!!!
im such an einstein :o)
oki doki. so so so. hmmmmm,,,, lets c.
i just got back from a v cool trip. we went to this area where all artsy people lived. i met a musician from mexico and we had coffee :o) u know wat i feel so much like a translator !!!!!!!!! i should probly consider takin up this job. i now know one tiny spanish. it's " hola ! "
pronounced without the h. so ... ola ~!
he said mexicans speak spanish and also portuguese. portuguese is a little like spanish so im considering takin that up as well.. afterall learning languages is so much fun !!!! it's better thank sittin there killing my brain cells over digits and signs !!!!!!! ugh.
today i was L8 for class. i arrived an hr late and only studied for a mere 45 minutes B4 class ended zzz -..-
the surprising this is, i didnt even hear all THR33 of my alarms ring -..-
i was havin a dream about myanmar -..-
oki. i gotsa go. pics up later. ciao ~!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Self entry #3.
why has a hopeless romantic stopped believing in love ?
all these 19 years i've waited.
... yet the prince i have always coaxed myself asleep with never appears. even when i thought he did, he proved otherwise. year by year the lust of falling in love so poignant dispersed with time. even though there may be times i believed my prince was just a little shy, i blame him for being so.. though truth is, the problem lies with me--every problems romance could ever surface.--
i'm afraid of falling hard. i'm afraid of the impossibilities. i'm afraid of reading too much into a mild situation--which i always do.-- and i am afraid i may not be the one he was looking for after all..
truth remains, i am a die-hard traditional. i want my prince to be the prince i grow old with, to be the prince who share EVERY single moments with me--be it tough or silly.-- , to be the prince who i wake up to, to be the prince i kiss good night to, to be the prince who my heart flutter wildly for, to be the prince who loves me more than i do him. fortunately or unfortunately, when you are as die-hard traditional as i am, you basically remain hopeful of the " right. " prince for the rest of your life.... and when none appears, you settle for a substitute.
what others' call my " expectations. " is just promises of security. this i've learnt through experiences. my " expectations. " are so high and unattainable it always act as a barrier to possible loves. if my great big ego were to have shrunk just an inch, i sometimes imagine myself living the romantic life with a temporary prince. where the world sees love so lightly. scratch that. the word is not love after all. the word is sex and relationships. the whole screw it and over with it just doesn't work on me. i am a hopeless romantic. every thing i want starts with hugs and ends with kisses and fireworks and palace and all the love in the world and passions and affections and what not.. these i say, are totally not out there. i rarely see these happening anyway !
im sleepy.
all these 19 years i've waited.
... yet the prince i have always coaxed myself asleep with never appears. even when i thought he did, he proved otherwise. year by year the lust of falling in love so poignant dispersed with time. even though there may be times i believed my prince was just a little shy, i blame him for being so.. though truth is, the problem lies with me--every problems romance could ever surface.--
i am a coward.
i'm afraid of falling hard. i'm afraid of the impossibilities. i'm afraid of reading too much into a mild situation--which i always do.-- and i am afraid i may not be the one he was looking for after all..
truth remains, i am a die-hard traditional. i want my prince to be the prince i grow old with, to be the prince who share EVERY single moments with me--be it tough or silly.-- , to be the prince who i wake up to, to be the prince i kiss good night to, to be the prince who my heart flutter wildly for, to be the prince who loves me more than i do him. fortunately or unfortunately, when you are as die-hard traditional as i am, you basically remain hopeful of the " right. " prince for the rest of your life.... and when none appears, you settle for a substitute.
what others' call my " expectations. " is just promises of security. this i've learnt through experiences. my " expectations. " are so high and unattainable it always act as a barrier to possible loves. if my great big ego were to have shrunk just an inch, i sometimes imagine myself living the romantic life with a temporary prince. where the world sees love so lightly. scratch that. the word is not love after all. the word is sex and relationships. the whole screw it and over with it just doesn't work on me. i am a hopeless romantic. every thing i want starts with hugs and ends with kisses and fireworks and palace and all the love in the world and passions and affections and what not.. these i say, are totally not out there. i rarely see these happening anyway !
im sleepy.
im in a rush so i'll just leave u with e pics.. grace's arrivin at 6.45pm n i havent even started changing OR making up so BB !
was doin a paint last night ( at 1am. ) ..
i dont have $$$ le !!! so this was my breakfast :P i alr ate the rice roll so :P
my current addict. even tho im losin like crazy it's still a part of my schedule to deposit my $$$ in2 te vault 2 prevent other players from winnin em -..-
i was takin this pic when a van drove right beside me n we looked at each other and i was smiling like a fool ( cuz i was takin this pic. ) and had no time to react so awkward !!! thank god the pic turned out acceptable @.@
the embarraded me continued cam whoring but in a different direction from the van driver :P
do i count as a vampy cuz i " glitter. " under e sun as well ????? X__X
got tired after awhile.. ive gained alot of weight TYVM. hint : take a look at my double neck @.@
guess wot yes !!!! i got poked by the darn needle again !!!!
they thot it'd be fun to imprint me w a " watch. " darnit it was so painful !! esp the part where the tape was strongly glued to my skin..
nurse told me to look away from the needle in case i faint =.= like m i tt much of a weakling ?? sigh.....
ANW, i cant RMB if i've posted ystd's pics so here's one of me arriving early n eating my favorite favorite rice roll \ TW's sushi <3 i had a lot of time applying make up properly too ^^
oyes. if u're curious, i was gettin my blood tested. i dont even know the type of my blood can u believe it !???so ANW, im apparently an O =..=
so pls remember, im O blooded. donate me some of ur Os when i'm in major crisis !!! like MENSE !????? HA HA HA !!!
ok wat a weak attempt at jokin... au revoir !!!!!! ( pronounced " or-voir. " not or-re-vior. " ha ha ye i used to pronounced it tt way laugh at me.. )
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
zokiez !!!!
good evenin y'all ! i've just finished editing the pics for today so yep, here goes !
oyea. praise me. i was the earliest in class today, arriving at 8am, i dont kno how i managed tt and guess wot !? today was my teacher's turn to be L8 ! ha ha ha she got there at 8.30 !!! LOL ! looks like luck is on my side but let's not busk in this glory cuz karma bites n B4 u know it, it's gna be my turn to be L8 again n tt aint somethin i like yo ! so oki. that's probly all !!!!!!!
nothin much to UPD8 on,,, still have to take a bath after this entry im on a time rush..
woke up so early this mornin ( 5.50am. ) i had ample time applying make up properly and also cam-whore a little :P

better pics of the flags in the sch ! search for yo country !
i look like im on a liquid diet but trust me im not !!!!! im on the journey of tryin different drinks every day.. PS the passion fruit's a disgrace. it's so sweet :S
was eating my roll -..-
B4. after gettin home. it was so humid outside walkin was an absolute torture :O
bought this dress\long dress while i was in KS.. i like it !!! havent had the chance 2 wear it yet tho :\
( guess what pudding H8s me now -..- every time she sees me whip out my camera, she snorts ( yes she can :O ) and runs away B4 i have the chance to even grab her -..0 i've turned violent now in order to take a pic w here... )
hair's growin out pretty fast,,,
the mags i got a few days ago but im so BZ i havent got the time read them :O !!!! plus they're in chinese so i'm tryin to avoid em AFAP.. ( as far as pos. ) ^^
zahzahzah im gna have to struggle to pass thru this :'o(
oyea !!! i've created a twitter account ! ha ha, noob tryin to be cool here.. i just dont like spammin my FB shout-outs w my random thots so i thot of creatin a twit acc lol,,, i dont know how tt works yet tho ! my username is joyzhanzy i think, i cant rmb it if's s or z....
good evenin y'all ! i've just finished editing the pics for today so yep, here goes !
oyea. praise me. i was the earliest in class today, arriving at 8am, i dont kno how i managed tt and guess wot !? today was my teacher's turn to be L8 ! ha ha ha she got there at 8.30 !!! LOL ! looks like luck is on my side but let's not busk in this glory cuz karma bites n B4 u know it, it's gna be my turn to be L8 again n tt aint somethin i like yo ! so oki. that's probly all !!!!!!!
nothin much to UPD8 on,,, still have to take a bath after this entry im on a time rush..
woke up so early this mornin ( 5.50am. ) i had ample time applying make up properly and also cam-whore a little :P
how the world looks like wehn u lazy pigs r still snuggling in beds :oP

( wuz gettin a little sleepy by then... PS lousy fail hair.. thineed it too much im regretin now =C )
i look like im on a liquid diet but trust me im not !!!!! im on the journey of tryin different drinks every day.. PS the passion fruit's a disgrace. it's so sweet :S
was eating my roll -..-
B4. after gettin home. it was so humid outside walkin was an absolute torture :O
bought this dress\long dress while i was in KS.. i like it !!! havent had the chance 2 wear it yet tho :\
( guess what pudding H8s me now -..- every time she sees me whip out my camera, she snorts ( yes she can :O ) and runs away B4 i have the chance to even grab her -..0 i've turned violent now in order to take a pic w here... )
hair's growin out pretty fast,,,
the mags i got a few days ago but im so BZ i havent got the time read them :O !!!! plus they're in chinese so i'm tryin to avoid em AFAP.. ( as far as pos. ) ^^
zahzahzah im gna have to struggle to pass thru this :'o(
oyea !!! i've created a twitter account ! ha ha, noob tryin to be cool here.. i just dont like spammin my FB shout-outs w my random thots so i thot of creatin a twit acc lol,,, i dont know how tt works yet tho ! my username is joyzhanzy i think, i cant rmb it if's s or z....
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